Thursday 1 December 2011

Evaluation - Amy Douglas

Q: In what wyas doe syour media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
A: When producing our video, we analused a number of different professional products that were similar genre to our artist, Chromeo. As our artist and song belonged to the electric pop genre, we mainly lookied at artists such as MGMT, and Chromeo themselves. We realised we would need an upbeat, fast paced video to keep in the tone of the song. However, one thing we done slightly differently to the conventions of an electric pop genred song was the use of different coloured backgrounds. Most of the videos we analysed were set in a dar club, where as we thought we would add to the fast paced, up beat son by using these bright colours.
We also researched into the theme of "A Clockwork Orange". We mainly focuses on the make up design. We thought the make up would add influence into our video. We were also influenced by Ed Sheerans video "You Need Me". We liked the idea of just habing one dancer to include in the video.

Q: How effective in the combination of your main product and acillary texts?
A: When trying to come up with a suitable digipak and magazine advert, we weren't sure whether to carry on the theme of bright colours or go slightly different. We were trying to communicate to the younger generation, by keeping in the style and fashion at this time, and wanted to create an image of fun, new and fresh for our artist. Using a fresh white/grey background and brightly coloured fonts, we managed to create a professional and fun magazine advert and digipak. The link between the two and the music video is the theme of the "A Clockwork Orange" make up, and the use of bright colours. I think our products work well to attract our target ausing by the use of colours and props. For example, we used some trendy glasses that also appear in Kanye West's video, in our digipal image and music video to relate to the younger generation.

Q: What have you learnt fomr your audiences feedback?
A: When we received our feedback from the group, we learnt that we were ont he right tracks when it came to the production of our video. We had many positive comments on the use of fast paced editing and brightly coloured backgrounds as they seems to fit in with the genre and the beat of the song.
When talking about Notions of Looking, we alsoreceived a number of positive comments, such as how the maing singer, Connor, lips syncs to the camera, looking directly at the audience as it sold the artist well. Also the section with Jess, as she is always looking directly at the audience, which makes the audiences feel more involved and more fun and interesting to watch.
We received some improvments we could have made when it came to the transitions. Some people said we could habe used more variation when it came to the transitions, but for now this is something we will think about in the future.
Overall, we reveived positive comments, which made up extremely happy with our finished product.

Q: How did you used new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
A: The use of Final Cut really helped in the construction of our video. It enabled us to do simple but effective techniques in our video, but we alsoi learnt a lot of new techniques a long the way. For example, we created, whats like a thumping motion, for some of our clips to keep in touch with the fast paced song. We also learnt how to show the same clip in different split screens which created a good vibe in our video, and made it more interesting.
Howeber, when creating our digipak and magazing advert, we struggled to use photoshop and we weren't able to go through with our original idea as we did not know how to work it.
The use of blogger helped us keep in track with our ideas and plans, and we were able to show the examiners what we intended our products to look like due to the examples and blogs we had posted.
Overall, i think the majority of the new software helped us in the construction of our products and we also learnt a lot of new skills during the process.

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